How does discipline affect the LCA?

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LCA students contractually agree to the following: Participation in the Lion Collegiate Academy is considered a privilege and higher standards are expected from all participants as it pertains to grades, behavior in and out of school, attendance, work ethic, and commitment.  Any behavior, academic or otherwise, that is deemed unbecoming of a LCA student will be subject to a disciplinary process discipline rendered by Secondary Campus administrators.
All general scholastic dishonesty including plagiarism, cheating and collusion and Title IX/VAWA/Clery complaints will continue to be addressed through the appropriate reporting structure by the Collin College Dean of Students Office. Questions on violations of scholastic dishonesty can be directed to the appropriate Academic Associate Dean, and reports of discrimination based on sex, including sexual harassment, gender-based harassment, sexual assault/misconduct, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking  need to be directed to The Collin College Dean of Students/Title IX Coordinator.
